
Compiled by Luke Ford


Dennis Prager

-- Format. Los Angeles talk radio host Dennis Prager's TV show is Limbaugh Lite with guests. Sold as a Rush Limbaugh companion by the Rush's syndicator, it's a half-hour of Prager commenting and interviewing guests. He's not as right-wing as Limbaugh, but he's just as opinionated.

-- Sample. Guests have included anti-smoking activist Patrick Reynolds. Prager called him an "extremist" and asked why he wasn't trying to instead outlaw fat, which he said kills more people than cigarettes. Another time, members of a Hare Krishna temple were asked to explain "cults."

-- Bottom line. The Reynolds episode was tough to watch. When you see a TV host claiming that cigarettes don't kill, people do, how can you give anything else he says credibility? With that said, Prager certainly has stage presence and knows how to entertain.