
Compiled by Luke Ford

2-11-98 on KABC radio.

Prager spent the first hour talking with the man who would now be the Shah of Iran if Iran now had the monarchy - the son of the late Shah. They did not spend much time discussing the morality of the late Shah's regime, but rather attacked the low state of the present Mullah-dominated regime. The Shah argued for democracy. He wanted Iranians to have the opportunity to want the monarchy back. He said that the present regime did not allow people to express themselves, and manufactured hatred against America.

In the second hour, Prager discussed the irresponsibility of the news media (semen stain on dresses) in discussing sensitive adult topics. In particular, the decision by many newspapers to pull a recent Doonesbury cartoon that used words not appropriate for children.

Prager emphasized that he had nothing against Doonesbury. He used it as a jumping off point to say that we do not protect children.

Maturity takes self-restraint and there is no self-restraint on the part of the major news organizations.

A female caller said how shocked she was by the opening segment of the Winter Olympics. The commercials (too sexy?), the discussion of violence in Sarajevo.

Prager has no problem with adults consuming porn in private. But in public, his values are traditional. He remembers when John Kennedy was inaugurated. DP was 12.5 years old. There was no talk in the air of the president's sex preferences.

Prager wants to know what is the effect on kids when the head of the country is reduced in this way. What is the effect if the country yawns at this behavior?

Prager hates phrases like "the times have changed." So? The question is, is it a good change? Do we no longer need to protect children?

If people started machine gunning children, people could react "the times have changed." But that is ridiculous. That change is bad.

DP recommends that parents not allow their children to watch TV news. The explicit and prominent reporting of the Marv Albert trial pushed Prager over the brink on this issue.

Did we need to know, and did your children need to hear, how Marv Albert dressed up in his intimate sessions? He is a sportscaster. So what?

"I cringed when I thought of kids listening to that stuff while they were forming their sexual identities."


Prager questioned if persons of common sense on social issues were allow to lead the ACLU. The head of the New York chapter, Norman Siegel, reacted to a proposal to require school uniforms. He said he'd be eager to consider a legal challenge if a student came forward to complain. He said, 'a student's choice of dress is personal…and should be of no concern to the school.'

Is this man joking? Does he live on the same planet? This statement and mindset is stupid. If guys wear gang regalia, that is no concern to the school? What about obscene T-shirts?

P. says we are seeing a repeal of the '60s and its glorying of total freedom and autonomy, particularly students.

P. pointed out that a NY school officer said they wanted to start the school uniform policy with younger kids because they would be less likely to resist. Prager says this reflects the spirit of the '60s; of school administrators fearing how students would react to standards.

Prager was particularly sharp, fast and witty today.

Callers and DP questioned what happened to common sense in America.

Prager gave these reasons for school uniforms:

· If you dress well, you change your environment. People behave differently when they act differently. When you dress respectfully, you are more likely to behave respectfully.

· School uniforms save parents money, because kids tend to prefer designer clothes.

· There is less socio-economic and fashion competition. Kids will compete with charm, brains, or whatever they will. Uniforms foster true individuality.

At the 2:30 news, there was a story about the trial of Director Stephen Spieldberg's stalker. The man wanted to kidnap and rape Spieldberg, said the newsman, because the stalker was sexually obsessed with the director. Is this an example of unneeded sexually explicit "news" that Prager is complaining about?

Prager says that the state of civil liberties in this country is so high, that we do not need the ACLU, similar with the womens and race organizations…

DP says that Larry Elder is increasingly dressing nice each day.

DP: "I have a question."

LARRY: "It's going to be an insult. He's going to insult me.

"I am giving a speech to the vast right wing conspiracy… a group of Republicans… I am a Libertarian. But when the price is right and the money is not funny…"

Elder says that school uniforms will discourage kids from stealing others' clothes.