How Did Whites Lose Their Racial Identity And How Can They Save Themselves?

Greg Johnson writes about Jared Taylor’s book White Identity:

The trouble is that Taylor gives no indication of what, precisely, whites need to do to save ourselves, or any indication that it is even possible at this stage. And without a specific and appealing vision of an alternative and some indication of how we might get from here to there, most readers will sensibly conclude that the white race is doomed.

Of course, Taylor may be betting that leaving these matters open will be less discouraging than leveling with people about the harsh and terrible measures necessary to save us. For instance, halting all non-white immigration will slow but not halt our demographic eclipse, since the non-whites who are already here are outbreeding us handily. And do we really want to live in a constant breeding race until the natural world is completely despoiled? The white race has a future in North America only if we can separate ourselves from more than 100 million non-whites, for example through expulsion or territorial partition.

Yes, the book is long enough already, but even a few historical examples of conquered and colonized white peoples who have regained control of their destinies—the Irish, the Spanish, the Russians—would be enough to convince people that all is not lost.

Second, Taylor’s chapter on “White Racial Consciousness” offers nary a clue as to how in the last fifty years or so, healthy white racial consciousness around the globe has become almost completely perverted, setting our race on the path to extinction. But if racial consciousness is so soundly rooted in nature, how can something so contrary to nature even take place? The explanation is to be found in the work of Kevin MacDonald, particularly The Culture of Critique and Cultural Insurrections: white ethnocentrism, and only white ethnocentrism, has been pathologized by the organized Jewish community as a tool of ethnic warfare against whites. Without the perspective afforded by MacDonald’s work, the shift Taylor chronicles is ultimately mysterious and may give rise to the mistaken view that the white race has essentially been seized by a suicidal impulse.

I discussed this with a Jew I know and he responded:

I would caution against any enthusiasm that would explain a complicated situation by reference to one factor. Like, “the Jews were responsible for this.” Because the world is a very complicated place with few correct master theories of anything. E.g., for real, having studied the history of Europe exhaustively, the Jews did not bring on either WW 1 or WW 2. Nor did Jewish bankers, politicians etc.

I think Nazism was a matter of a particular man at a particular time in a particular nation dealing with the aftermath of World War 1, the Great Depression and Paul von Hindenberg’s miscalculation. If you look at the details of how German Jews lived, and believe me, they may have included a few perverts but were super patriotic.

This is why Jews today are so messed up. The advanced civilization the Jews had in central Europe was obliterated.

Walthur Rathenau was no open border liberal.

My ancestors fought in WW 1. On the side of Central Powers.

I do not agree that Germany’s biggest [internal] enemies were disproportionately Jews. It was, after all, the all Christian ruling family that fucked things up over there, in Germany and in Austria Hungary. Not a Jew among them. Nor among the foreign services of each nation that blundered into war, nor among the general staffs that waged it.

Also, but for the Jew by birth Haber’s invention of a method for fixing nitrogen, Germany would have lost the war inside of six months.

The trouble with the reds and such came after defeat. Also, it was the Christian Kaiser who unleashed the not-Jewish Lenin on the people of Russia as though he were a baccillus.

And closer to home, it was Ted Kennedy who pried open the doors to this nation through his immigration reform of 1966. And I don’t think the Jews had much inflence on this in the UK, France, or Australia (so far as I know). It was Christians with a death wish.

I define “nazi” in the sense that they defined it, the platform of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterparte (NSDAP). I think that had there been no antisemitic component to the platform, they’d have come to power possibly sooner and with large majority (which they never won in an open election, certainly not in 33). By and large, the Jew-hatred part was mostly Hitler’s doing, and I don’t think the Germans of 1932 were especially antisemitic by the standards of the day.

As for the Chinese, who knows? They have a language barrier (Jews have always been part of the West and known how things work), and perhaps it is not in their culture or genes to seek influence beyond money. HOWEVER I suspect that non-Chinese Indonesians, Africans now taking their money and others might have a different perspective.

In many respects, in Asia outside of China, the Chinese are analagous to the jews including in political terms.

Chalk the decline of the West up to the weakness of the WASP. And what of the Christian leaders of the UK, were they made of such flaccid stuff that they felt compelled to listen to any dumb thing any Jew tells them? Jesus, sometimes it seems that goyim will believe anything a Jew tells them.

“Oh yeah? You think I’m a fatherless bastard? Well, I’ve got news for you. My dad is GOD! What does your dad do, eh?”

ANOTHER JEW TELLS ME: If Nazism means belief that a German “Volk”or ethnic German should be united under one Government despite the fact that the ethnic Germans were spread out in a number of countries other than Germany proper, then at least in part it was reaction to Judaism. (Because of the desire to have an ethnically homogeneous or “pure” nation, and Jews were an obvious, but not the only, non-Germanic group within that geographic region) But are Jews and Judaism indistinguishable?

If you view it as basically an anti-Communist movement, to the extent that the Nazis conflated Bolshevism with Judaism it was also a reaction to Judaism. However, despite the fact that many leading Bolsheviks were Jews and dominated the Soviet regime, they were not practitioners of Judaism, even in the most reform sense. They were atheists. However, most Europeans at that time (and most Jews) believed that Jews were a separate race, (although what was meant by race was more akin to ethnicity) and Judaism was just the religion practiced by many members of that race.

If you view it as an affirmative action program for Germans within Germany, it was a reaction to perceived Jewish domination of important sectors of life-law, publishing, medicine, banking- but this in itself isn’t Judaism.

So at least in part Nazism was a reaction to the threat of Jews interfering with the Germanic Volk, with Jews being active in the leading Communist Regime (as well as unsuccessful ones after WWI in Hungary and parts of Germany) and the rise of Jews to prominence and power in Germany itself.

Without these external stimuli, Nazism probably would just be some sort of cultish Germanic/Aryan pagan group with limited appeal in Germany. Because of the way Hitler manipulated the perception of the threat, coupled with the German resentment and anger about the armistice after WWI and the decadence, both political and social of the Weimar regime, he was able to position the Nazis into the leading political movement that would defend Germany from these threats and lead the German people to greatness.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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