‘The Image Of The Good Jew In Lakeview’

Jewish sociologist Marshal Sklare published this powerful 1993 essay.

Jewish academic Sylvia Barak Fishman wrote: “Giving an actual suburb a fictitious name to protect its privacy, Sklare found that American Jews valued most highly those aspects of Jewish tradition that were consonant with American culture of a particular kind: well-educated, liberal, socially concerned, non-violent. Sklare’s subjects consisted of primarily of Reform and some Conservative informants. These middle-American Jews felt very strongly that a Jew should be proud of being a Jew, partly because acknowledging one’s origins and having feelings of pride and dignity about one’s ancestry are deeply ingrained American characteristics.”

Are these deeply ingrained characteristics for all Americans or just for those Americans who do not identify as white? Are white Americans encouraged to feel pride and dignity in being of European ancestry as opposed to African or Latin or Oriental ancestry?

Jared Taylor writes in his 2011 book White Identity: “This book is about racial identity, something most people who are not white take for granted. They come to it early, feel it strongly, and make no apologies for it.”

“Most whites do not have a racial identity, but they would do well to understand what race means for others. They should also ponder the consequences of being the only group for whom such an identity is forbidden and who are permitted no aspirations as a group.”

“It thus makes no difference if a neigh­borhood or nation becomes non-white or if white children marry outside their race. Whites have no valid group interests, so it is illegitimate for them to attempt to organize as whites. Given the past crimes of whites, any ex­pression of racial pride is wrong. The displacement of whites by non-whites through immigration will strengthen the United States.”

“Racial identity comes naturally to all non-white groups. It comes natu­rally because it is good, normal, and healthy to feel kinship for people like oneself. … All people of the same race are more closely re­lated genetically than they are to anyone of a different race, and this helps explain racial solidarity.”

“Families are close for the same reason. Parents love their children, not because they are the smartest, best-looking, most talented children on earth. They love them because they are genetically close to them. They love them because they are a family. … Most people have similar feelings about race. . … Non-whites understand this. Blacks call each other `brother` and `siter.` … Whites used to understand this. In fact, at some level they still do—their actions betray them.”

“These mystic preferences need not imply hostility towards others. Par­ents may have great affection for the children of others, but their own chil­dren come first.”

As Steve Sailer notes: “The true White Man`s Burden turns out to be his intellectual distaste for reality, his need to believe in universal principles, even (or especially) when they are conspicuously counterfactual. The more disastrous your ideals, the more pure your heart must be and the more evil your doubters.”

Sailer adds:

Nevertheless, an explicit white identity movement is unlikely to be tolerated. It`s not so much that blacks, Asians, and Hispanics don`t want this to happen. None of these groups are really all that powerful. Blacks tend to be colorful but not too competent; East Asians competent but colorless; Latinos culturally lethargic and unenterprising.

No, the much more serious roadblock to the emergence of white identity politics: more Jews don`t want it to happen than do want it to happen.

Many Jews have strong reasons for their aversion to white identity politics, either irrational (the Cossacks are coming!) or rational (what`s in it for me?).

Perhaps Taylor can persuade enough Jews to get onboard to make white identity respectable in the MSM and thus with the media`s consumers, the public. He`s striven manfully and graciously over the years to make Jews feel welcome in his movement and many Jews have written for American Renaissance.

Recall that neoconservatism emerged in the late 1960s, largely due to Jewish shopkeepers` fear of black crime and Jewish civil servants` fear of being fired by black politicians. Brilliant Jewish intellectuals like Nathan Glazer and Norman Podhoretz took their relatives` complaints seriously.

Still, over time, Jews mostly figured out it was simply easier to move away from blacks and get better jobs where they didn`t have to deal with many blacks. Let other whites deal with them.

Thus Commentary lost interest in complaining about quotas, and neoconservatism morphed into mostly being an Israel Fan Club.

The fundamental question for 21st Century white identity politics is the same as for Armenians, just two or three orders of magnitude greater in media influence: What`s in it for Jews?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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