How Can Euro-Asian Males Build Self-Esteem?

Some mixed race kids have it tougher in life because they don’t have a clear identity and a clear in-group. So they have more mental problems.


Being Eurasian Male has completely destroyed my self-esteem and sense of self-worth. I realize I’m letting the racists win too easy, the ultimate psych-op to defeat your enemy solely through propaganda without firing a single shot. But what can I say it worked. And whenever I go out and see the huge WMAF AMWF disparity with my own eyes, it serves as empirical proof that all my self-loathing is justified. I feel like I’m objectively the least valued, desired, wanted category of male.

I should also mention that I myself am the offspring of a White Dad and Asian Mom, and no I don’t consider them particularly bad, but I do resent them simply for belonging to the class of WMAF. And it does make me take WMAF all the more personally.

Basically I can’t even function anymore, and I kind of take a why bother attitude? Why bother trying to make money, when all the money jobs in STEM and business require you to be good at math? I can work my butt of to be good at math, and a great engineer/computers/science/tech/business , and people will just say ‘oh hes Asian’ like that explains everything. So why even bother trying to succeed?

My only solution now is to live off my WMAF parents for life, since they committed the crime of race-mixing anyway, and thus now have to take care of their Down Syndrome mutant.

I don’t really have an Asian-American community to fall back on besides the internet.

How do I boost my self-esteem against the seemingly overwhelming statistical evidence telling me, I’m the worst?

I don’t know what this guy is talking about. Elliot Rodger was a good well-balanced person despite having an Asian mom and white dad.

Anon replies:

Consider the role misogyny and living in a misogynistic society plays in your frustration self-described resentment about stuff like the interracial dating disparity. Where do you end and where do other people begin? (Where does what other people think about you end and where does what you think about yourself begin? Where does other people’s happiness end and where does your own begin? What about other people’s choices and your decision to make them a reflection on yourself or your race?)
It isn’t just about “letting the racists win too easy” though it is clear you have a lot of internalized racism that you still need to work through.
You are making a choice, conscious or subconscious, to decide that the WMAF AMWF “disparity” (women as a commodity?) is “empirical proof that all my self-loathing is justified. I feel like I’m objectively the least valued, desired, wanted category of male.”
So talk to someone trained to work with this baggage and explore it. Why is that proof that you are not desirable? Why is your self loathing “justified”? Really explore it. Pick it apart. Is there really an objective, statistical correlation with Asian women’s dating preferences and your value as a human being? And why are you putting it on that?


This is why in my personal life I concentrate much of my fire against my own Asian Mother, since her quest for her own happiness lead directly to my own birth and thus there is no separating our self-interests.
Its true that other than my own WMAF mother, I don’t have any power to judge other AFs. This leads many to assume that my own WMAF parents are especially bad and that I’m unfairly judging WMAF couples by my own bad experience. I would argue its the other way around. That my own parents are just fine, but my negativity towards contemporary WMAFs colors my resentment toward my parents.
As far as misogyny goes, I think there is a huge amount of misogyny among the vast majority of WMAF relationships I read about on the internet. In which the white man is usually looking for a submissive Geisha, since he can’t handle the rude feminist women of the West.
I would ask you, if psych tests suggest Asian men are the least desirable, and the huge WMAF AMWF disparity seemingly acts as a confirmation, why wouldn’t it destroy my self-esteem and value as a human being?

Jared Taylor writes:

There are two levels on which one can oppose miscegenation: for one’s own family, and for everyone else. For my own family, as I once put it, I want my children to look like their grandparents, not like Anwar Sadat or Whoopi Goldberg or Fu Manchu. This is partly for unabashedly esthetic reasons; I like the way white people look, and that’s reason enough to want white children.

It is a near-universal human desire for people to want to see themselves rather than strangers in their children. (Of course, in contemporary America, as Steve Sailer has observed, only Jews are allowed to express it.)

Thus Lowri Turner is a blonde British woman whose second marriage was to a man from India. She already had two blond children, and now got a new daughter. You would think it had occurred to her that this time around her children would not look like here, but no:

[W]hen I turn to the mirror in my bedroom to admire us together, I am shocked. She seems so alien…

I didn’t realize how much her looking different would matter and, on a rational level, I know it shouldn’t. But it does.

Evolution demands that we have children to pass on our genes, hence the sense of pride and validation we get when we see our features reappearing in the next generation.

With my daughter, I don’t have that…

Even admitting to having mixed feelings about her not being blonde and blue eyed, I feel disloyal and incredibly guilty.[ “I Love My Mixed Race Baby—But Why Does She Feel So Alien?” London Daily Mail, July 12, 2007]

People of other races are no different. Most black people want black children and Asians want Asian children. When people imagine what it would be like to be a parent they imagine children who look like them.

The Taylors—and their forebears—have been white for thousands of years. Suddenly to produce one who wasn’t would be as strange as joining Al Shabaab or apprenticing myself to a snake charmer.

Most people who can have children of their own do so rather than adopt. That is because they understand instinctively that family is about genetic closeness.

And most people who adopt would rather adopt a child of their own race. One reason is that they don’t want to stick an obvious “I was adopted” label on their children—but another is that they feel instinctively closer to people of their own race.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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