Daily Caller: Student sought man on Craigslist to beat her up and have sex with her, then reported it as rape

My friend Joel posts on my FB page:

Curious Luke, since you posted this…

This woman appears to be a fraud and a bit crazy. But why do you post? We know a LOT of crazy people out there who make lots of illegitimate and insane claims. But most do not warrant news stories.

This one seems to have “earned” her news story due to her fabricated claims.

But by reposting and highlighting it, the SUGGESTION is that many or perhaps most claims of rap or sexual assault are equally fabricated, due to the highlighting of one such case.

Is that what you are suggesting?

Because finding a single case of fraud and what appears to be mental claims and insufficiency is not nearly enough to wipe out all claims and accusation of sexual assault.

And if that is NOT what you are suggesting, why highlight a non-news story about one stupid person who made a seemingly bogus claim. It appears not to be relevant to any case other than her own.

In earlier posts, Joel, I referenced the bogus Rolling Stone story on sexual assault and eight similar bogus sexual assault on campus stories. So, yes, I think there’s hysteria about rape on campus and I think there are a lot of bogus claims out there. If people are truly concerned about rape of young women, they would focus on the young black guys (and Muslims) who are doing a disproportionate amount of the raping and other crime and they would counsel girls of all races that statistically speaking they are more likely to get assaulted, impregnated, infected with an STD and have other negative results from black men than from any other race of men. We’re not doing girls of any race any favors by not appraising them of these facts of life.

According to this book Race and Crime by Anthony Walsh: “…[B]lacks choose white victims 41.3% of the time [for rape]. The number of white offender/black victim rates was too small to be included in the analysis.”

About 40% of women’s rape claims are fabricated.

Chaim Amalek: “In every age, there are elites that have come to agreement on certain doctrines that no amount of evidence to the contrary can ever disabuse them of. Mohammed was the last Messenger of God. Marxism. Diversity as a Supreme Value. The answer is a question: When will White people get tired of their elites and throw them out for another that will make their interests paramount, even if it means less diversity?”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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