The Bush Dynasty & Mexico

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Columba Bush is really hard to explain. In the photos of her at age 18 she fairly cute, but nothing special. But Bush was a handsome guy from an extremely rich family. And boy did she age badly. She is also 16 inches shorter than him and from a broken and poor family.

Columbia is the product of a mixed-race marriage herself. The long article about her someone linked here recently had about six photos of her father, who looks 100% white to me. In fact, the first photo of the father from the 1940′s I first thought was an older photo of one of the Bushes. Her mother looks 70% indio/30% white.

* I guess so long as the topic closest to Jeb’s heart is the facilitation of Mexican immigration, he will remain a strong, mainstream, legitimate candidate. Imagine if the issue closest to his heart was the flip-slip, namely, the impeding of Mexican immigration.

Likewise when a European American wants to limit immigration, his reasons are immediately cast as racist. He must want to limit non-European immigration to preserve America as a European nation. Yet isn’t hispanic and other racial groups’ support for immigration essentially the flip-slide of the same coin? They want immigration because they perceive it as benefiting their people and increasing their numbers and influence in the US. Yet their support of immigration is never linked with racist motives.

* Don’t forget the North American Union that Bush was trying to promote until it got exposed.

Still no matter how you cut it, the Bush’s are traitors given their agenda.

“Really, isn’t this whole border thing, not to mention separate countries, Bad for Business?” Yes and no. American service industry would initially benefit from a massive influx of low wage, disposable Hispanics. But as the influx destroys the social safety net along with quality of life and the middle-class. Then the service industry will find almost no one to afford their low quality services and go belly up.

Of course most business types don’t look ahead more than a quarter so what happens a couple of years from now is like forever to them. It’ll come as a big surprise to the piratical scumbags.

For the rest of us, it means a nice taste of hell and no future for the kids.

* I think the bigger concern of Mexican white elites is not to get massacred by the brown people living in poverty all around them. It happened twice, first with Father Hidalgo and Father Morelos’s unsuccessful independence movement. Each time their indio army took over a city, they massacred the whites, with the padres unable to control their army.

That’s why their revolution failed: they could not bear to see this happen to Mexico City, so they did not attack it when they had a clear opportunity to do so and an overwhelming numerical superiority. Once the opportunity to kill the whites and destroy stopped, their army melted away, and they were defeated and executed.

Mexico only became independent a couple years later when the conservative white elites and army officers decided to declare Mexico an independent in reaction to a liberal revolution in Spain.

The second time it happened was the Mexican Revolution. The massacres where not so explicitly racial, it was more of a communist type revolution. But whites still disproportionately suffered at brown hands. It then devolved into multiple disorganized armies “living off the land” and causing death and starvation wherever they operated, like in the Thirty Year War. During this period, about half of Mexico’s white population fled, losing most of their property as they did, many of them fairly recent arrivals from Europe and the United States who were encouraged to come by Porfirio Diaz.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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