Whites Vs Jews

Comments to Steve Sailer’s article on bargaining with Zionists:

* This was an interesting read as it confirms my belief that whites aren’t fully ready to do what they need to do to get out of this mess. Sailer’s a good read but, he’s got it backwards. Whites shouldn’t be going hat in hand to make deals with Jews, we should be unifying, becoming a strong force of our own and letting special interest groups ( Jews being one of them) come to us.

After all we don’t need Jews. Jews need us. And any white man who doesn’t recognize this isn’t worth fighting for anyways.

* Your suggestion is too logical so there’s little chance it’ll be followed. You can tell the posters who genuinely have pride in their culture and race by their responses. They’re the ones who recognize that we Europeans have contributed so much to the world in a far greater proportion than ANY other group. And then you have the weaklings who are full of self doubt and always say ‘ we need this group or we should follow that group’.

Can you picture our grandfathers ever saying that we need the Jews or the Asians to lead us? No. Because they had self belief and it was this self belief and racial pride that built this country. Today we’re being led by those who are the opposite of what built this nation. We were strong believers in self determination and were never afraid to stand on our two feet. Now we’re being told we need the Jews to merely govern our nation. The contrast couldn’t be anymore startling.

* We don’t need Jews to lead; we need them–and all their money/influence–as allies. Further alienating the Jews is a prescription for an even more precipitous collapse of America and the West.

* Jewish power is soft power. Without the consent of the masses, it evaporates. All it would take to throw them out on their ears is a mass changing of consciousness.

* If I were a Jew eavesdropping on this website, and if I were to take the views expressed herein as typical of paleoconservatism, I would view paleoconservatism as strychnine for the Jewish people.

* I don’t have to eavesdrop to know what the Jews think of us. I view their entire mainstream (faux-liberal, conservative, neoconservative, what have you) as strychnine for the European people.

* Strychnine that has been added to the drinking water of every Western nation for 100 years now under the guise of ‘Progressivism,’ thinly masked Bolshevism seeking to break lots of eggs for their utopian omelets.

* The Jews are already filled with distrust and insecurities. Visiting this site will simply reinforce those inherent tendencies. Sadly, some of them (e.g., neocons Jews) have pushed too hard, asked for too much and been unappreciative. Alienation, indeed!

* Jews spend as much time contemplating our motivations and aspirations as ranchers do those of their cattle.

* Sailer’s Grand Bargain will never happen. Typical American Jews have way too much vested in the status quo.

I might be overly optimistic, but it seems that conservative whites who pay attention are more weary of the Defend-Jews-at-all-costs drumbeat. There aren’t enough yet to elect a Pat Buchanan, but more people who supported the Iraq War now realize that the Neocons were a disaster. The GOP and Limbaugh still bow and scrape to the Adelsons, but the way Ron Paul struck a chord with a lot of people–especially younger ones–is a hopeful sign.

A big problem with whites is the hordes who are now on welfare/”disability”, and the ones who work but who think all is well as long as they can watch their favorite thugs in sports. They’re bigger problems than the Fox News watchers, who at least are willing to go against the grain in how they get their news.

The Bolsheviks started small. Maybe the people like us, who realize how far down we’ve sunk from our grandfathers’ ways, can win, especially against the media-numbed conformists out there.

* Jews don’t need “us.” As long as 30-35 percent of white gentiles are AWRs, and the black/Mestizo population continues to swell, they can ignore us. But Jews in the US face two potential problems. First–and as Sailer pointed out–the AWR agenda could very well come back to bite Jews on the ass because Jews can easily be seen as the prime example of so-called “white privilege.” Second, as America becomes more AWR, some white AWRs may have second thoughts. Perhaps all the mob beatings and the flagrantly anti-white machinations of demons like Hutu Holder will knock sense into enough AWR gentiles to tip the electoral balance away from the AWRs. In that scenario, Jews are on the losing side.

* Most Jews don’t have the wherewithal to pick up and move to Israel. And at any rate, an Israel surrounded by hostile, homicidal Muzz probably doesn’t look too attractive to many of them. As an ace in the hole, Israel is a threadbare card.

* I have family connections to Golden Dawn and can state that the reason that the leadership of Golden Dawn has been imprisoned is due to Jews. My wife’s family member was told the European Council of Jews, ADL, B’nai Brith have threatened Greece if they don’t do something about the Golden Dawn. The Jewish groups above partnered with investment banks to put pressure on the Greek government to outlaw a party that many of us respect. Are you to tell me we should partner with such a people?

* I am “pro Jewish.” But I’m also clear-eyed enough to see their flaws and why some people resent them. Would that the site’s Judeophobes possessed some of the same equanimity.

As to you second paragraph, it’s nothing new. The Jews, the Jews. Everything that doesn’t go your way is the fault of the Jews, a teenintsy minority tucked away in Thessaloniki. But these super-human, super-evil beings have the power to bend the poor, dumb, gentile Greek government to their will, to such an extent that they ban a political party. Does that really make sense? Or is it more sensible to simply admit that far too many white people–more in Greece than most white nations–hold political views similar to Jews? God knows the Greeks’ infantile, socialist attitudes to the most minimal of austerity measures strongly suggest that this is the case.

* I’ve spent time in Latin America and there is a strong mistrust of Jews in some nations. Especially, in nations with a tangible Jewish population. Also, let’s not forget that Latin America has had a significant amount of Arab immigration as well. In fact, many of the wealthy in Mexico are of Lebanese ancestry, ie.. Carlos Slim, Salma Hayek etc.

* Unlike the goyim, who were historically farmers, an occupation which took more brawn than brains, Jews made their living with their wits–by closing the sale. Thus, Jews became the world’s greatest tacticians and among its worst strategists. To their great misfortune, Jews never worried about the consequences after they made their money.

The best thing goy nationalists can do is to tell Jews that we refuse to accept their double standard of celebrating the same type of nationalist behavior in Israel that they go to great lengths to deny to the goyim in our own homelands. Consequently, we will support Israel’s right to exist if and only if Jews support our right to exist. If enough of us will work together, we will have Jews over the proverbial barrel.

* Jewish intellectuals practically invented the tactics and strategy behind identity politics. I don’t think the idea ever occurred to them that the Frankenstein monster they created for their own purposes will eventually turn on them. Jewish intellectualism sometimes seems to be a mile deep and an inch wide.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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