Will Jews Always Have Europe?

Comment to Steve Sailer:

Seems to me that Jewish elites think that indoctrination will solve the problem:

The other episode took place in Lebanon. Hezbollah, the radical Muslim militia that dominates that country, has been working to keep The Diary of Anne Frank out of Lebanese schools. This kind of denialism, perpetrated in the Middle East, makes people susceptible to anti-Semitism when they grow up and emigrate to Europe. If you don’t grow up in a place that experienced the Holocaust, and if you don’t learn about the Holocaust in some other way, you’ll behave like somebody who doesn’t get it.”

In other words, use the Holocaust (Hitler’s great gift to the Zionist project) to full advantage.

Of course, some Jews have noticed that certain groups (Blacks, Muslims, etc) seem oddly immune to the spectre of the Holocaust. Indeed, in some cases they actually seem downright hostile. A colleague of mine (she teaches an undergrad class on literature and racism) has noted to me that Blacks in her class get rather surly when the Holocaust totems are introduced: Anne Frank, Schindler’s List, Wiesel’s Night, etc. To them, the Holocaust narrative is White Privilege in action. White corpses in Europe are enduring symbols of martyrdom, while POC corpses are footnotes.

Take this famous scene from Schindler’s List, the girl in the red coat.

After viewing the film, the Black students responded with real anger to the scene. They noted that no one cared about Black children being slaughtered….But show one cute little White girl, and White people collapse in heaps of tears. According to her, they deployed the full arsenal of theory on the scene, noting how the girl’s fair skin and Caucasoid hair made her an image of White racial perfection.Black children, in contrast, with their dark skin and kinky hair, were the “Other” (Hegel has much to answer for), permanently excluded from sympathy, etc.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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