Yahoo Finance Exclusive: Earl Holt started giving money to GOP pols after marrying the widow of a Jewish businessman

Yahoo: “As president of a white nationalist group linked with the murders of nine churchgoers in Charleston, S.C. on June 17, Earl P. Holt III is straddling the uneasy boundary between free speech and racial hatred.”

How can there be a boundary between free speech and racial hatred? If people speak freely, they are going to disparage out-groups.

Would Yahoo call the Bible hate speech? In it, God commands the Israelites to commit genocide against the Canaanites.

How is there any link between the Council of Conservative Citizens (CoCC) and Dylann Roof other than that Dylan read CCC’s website and cited it in his manifesto?

Once known only to watchdog groups that monitor extremist groups, Holt has suddenly become notorious for racial slurs splattered across the Internet and for writings on his group’s web site that supposedly inspired Dylann Roof, the alleged Charleston shooter, to carry out a massacre.

Earl P. Holt was known before the massacre to many of those who shared his values.

Tens of millions of Americans don’t like blacks and they tend to vote Republican.

Holt’s campaign contributions — and the apparent source of his money — are causing consternation now because of hostility he has shown toward blacks and Jews. Holt is president of a nonprofit group called the Council of Conservative Citizens, based in St. Louis. The group says it supports politically conservative causes and doesn’t encourage or condone racism. It does, however, routinely highlight crimes committed by blacks against whites, and the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups, describes the council as “a virulently racist group whose website has referred to blacks as ‘a retrograde species of humanity.’” The Anti-Defamation League also considers the council extremist and says, “although the group claims not to be racist, its leaders traffic with other white supremacist groups.”

Notice how Yahoo won’t identify SPLC and the ADL for what they are — Jewish nationalist groups at war with other nationalist groups. If Jews can be nationalist while convincing non-Jews that nationalism for goyim is bad, then Jews have an advantage in the competition for resources and power (a cohesive group will out-compete individuals).

Some Jews like nationalism for themselves but don’t like it for Gentiles because it usually excludes Jews and places them in the out-group just as Jewish nationalism places goyim in the out-group.

On The Blaze (which has since taken down his posts), Holt said blacks are “the laziest, stupidest and most criminally-inclined race in the history of the world.

And that is clearly wrong how? In every country where there are large numbers of blacks and accurate crime records, blacks commit murder and other crimes at a much higher rate than whites and asians. Blacks also have the lowest labor participation rates among the major races. Blacks also have the lowest average IQs of the major races. What Holt said was not nice, but it was truthful.

How come when blacks commit murder, we don’t make inquiries into what they were reading? Isn’t that racist?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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