NYT: Coaching Stars to Avoid a ‘Racist Against Whites’ Moment

New York Times:

Concerns peaked after Charlotte Rampling, the British best actress nominee from “45 Years,” told a French radio station last month that talk of a boycott was “racist against whites.” Her publicity team, aghast, quickly went to work, and Ms. Rampling said that her words had been misinterpreted (even though that is what she had said, verbatim) and that “in an ideal world every performance will be given equal opportunities.” But for fellow nominees, she served as the most cautionary of examples: Don’t be like Charlotte. Or Julie Delpy, or Michael Caine, two other non-American actors who found themselves in hot water after weighing in. Ms. Delpy said Hollywood was easier on black people, and Mr. Caine said black actors ought to be patient. Ms. Delpy apologized for her comments; Mr. Caine did not.

“Personal publicists everywhere are preparing their clients for the appropriate thing to say,” said Dennis Rice, a marketing consultant and academy member who ran awards campaigns while working at Miramax and Disney. “I’d be surprised if the vast majority wouldn’t take the high road and say the politically correct thing.”

Steve Sailer writes:

It’s not that black celebrities are being advised to not say things that are “racist against whites,” it’s that white celebrities are being coached to not say that statements by blacks that are racist against whites are “racist against whites.”

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* The most interesting character/best role in most recent films is that of the villain. Hollywood hasn’t cast black actors as villains for the past 30+ years because racism…. or something. This “soft bigotry of avoiding stereotypes” has deprived countless black actors an opportunity to shine.

Irony is funny.

* Most of this flagellation of whites is being conducted by a certain segment of the white population itself which have assumed the role of being justice warriors and are out to police everyone else. By themselves blacks have little power and could be ignored. They could be told simply that everything is on a merit basis and that they’d have to perform in order to place rather than being lazy and just expecting to get things through the quota lottery. The SJW types have actually harmed black progress by having everything on some racial patronage-quota system. Instead of working harder blacks have gotten the idea that things are simply given out and they need to just line up for them, discouraging motivation. Groups create their own images and stereotypes by their actions. What we have here is one group-primarily whites- trying to artificially create a public image for another group-blacks- by portraying them in movies, television shows, commercials as being genius doctors, visionary scientists, hero cops, and so on, all in contradiction to everyday observed reality. Has any other group been the beneficiary of such a massive PR campaign?

* Speaking of raaaaacism, The Martian got to Redbox this week so I rented it and watched it last night. Good story, realistic special effects, Matt Damon was good, but a bit long at 2:20.

But what kind of spoiled it for me was the relentless PC casting: the Mission director was black, the head of the Probe team looked like a Hawaiian, and had a guy who looked like a Pakistani. Then there was a Hindu, and the commander of the mission was Jessica Chastain, a red head who looks like she is about 23 and weighs 95 pounds. Did I mention that there was another female on the mission, and a guy named Gonzalez? FFS, they had everybody but a Caitlyn Jenner and a babe in a burkha! No white guys with crew cuts and pocket protectors, no sireee.

* The only organization that is attempting to make things better for blacks is Dr. Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam. Every other organization has a vested and profitable interest in keeping the majority of the black population as dependent as possible.

* Women need room in their imaginations to respond to their own fears, anxieties and desires. They need room to imagine themselves with black men (even though they rarely marry them) and they need to imagine themselves as open-armed mothers of the world (brown immigrants welcome! especially with children, even if white women are determined to be career women who have someone else take care of their children).

When mean white men give them factual information, it’s difficult for them to use their fantasies as they need to. And that makes them upset. And betas give in.

And don’t forget that the struggles of women against patriarchy and the struggles of blacks against slavery are intertwined in America. Anti white means against patriarchy (men in control) and against slavery, which women imagine applies to themselves as well.

* I keep hoping that so-called minorities will get their wish, where the top-line often appears to be, “we want our own stuff, and YT can stay the hell out of it.”

Imagine a USA in one of these conditions:
1. 100% PoC
2. 100% YT

In which one are nuke plants melting down? Rivers choked with refuse and waste? Streets crumbling, water mains breaking, bridges falling down, and people starving in the street? In which one is every street corner a shooting gallery (until the ammo runs out, wherein reversion to spears takes place?)

Give every self-identifying group their own land. Put up high walls because they make for good neighbors.

Shoot every sumbitch who tries to circumvent said walls uninvited, and eject anyone who attempts to invite any of the other’s individuals to overstay but a brief (invited) visit.

I don’t much appreciate the rhetoric of hate. If you hate me, then stop using the political system to take my stuff. Create your own. If you can. If you can’t, then tough tiddlywinks.

I don’t need you. If you need me, then you’d better get used to being polite to me, or one day soon I’ll tell you to leave me alone and reinforce my preference physically if forced.

* I just saw Gone Girl on Netflix with my girlfriend and another couple. Tyler Perry played a lawyer, and my buddy’s wife said he was so great, and I had to ask why she thought he was so great. She said it was simply because she could understand what he was saying, unlike most black actors.

We degenerate the parameters for minorities. Black actors are proof Heinlein’s expression: it’s not how well the bear dances, but that it dances at all.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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