
My Alexander Technique website is Alexander90210.com.

Alexander Technique is a way of learning to move the way the body likes to move.

My latest blogging on Alexander Technique:

* A typical lesson with Luke Pictures Packages
* My journey
* What do you notice?

* Healthcare
* Medication
* TMJ Relief
* Running and exercise
* Alexander historian Jeroen Staring
* Back pain
* British Medical Journal Study
* My sore stomach
* Learning To Be Gentle With Yourself
* Psycho-therapy
* Letting go of resentment
* Taking responsibility
* Alexander Vs. Feldenkreis
* Sports performance
* Physical therapy

Recommended Writings On Alexander Technique:

* The one Alexander Technique exercise -- active rest. Part two.
* Alexander Technique and the emotions.
Alexander Technique directions.
* Alexander Technique and the actor. Part Two.
* Alexander Technique and the singer.

* Direction Journal

Here are my interviews with Alexander Technique teachers:

Amira Alvarez John Appleton Malcolm Balk Richard Brennan

Constance Clare-Newman Paul Cook Sandra Bain Cushman David Gorman

Sharon Jakubecy Michael Frederick Bruce Kodish Bill Plake Robert Rickover Adolfo Santamaria Larry White